[Maskinoversættelse til dansk her] The uproar of Uyghurs against the Chinese administration in summer 2009 caused for the first time a bigger response among journalists world-wide. There have been uproars again and again during the last decades without any reaction in the West. This time doubtlessly the revolt of the Tibetans against the Chinese occupation… Læs mere Uyghur language
Tag: In English
The journal titles that the Ministry of Science wants to hide from the public
[Maskinoversættelse til dansk her] Sprogmuseet.dk has obtained the ranked lists of scientific journals that the Ministry of Science wants to keep secret. The Ministry had asked hundreds of scientists from all disciplines to come up with a list of all scientific journals. Ten percent were to be ranked top journals: publishing in those would provide… Læs mere The journal titles that the Ministry of Science wants to hide from the public
Nominees and candidates for Ig Nobel prizes in linguistics
[Maskinoversættelse til dansk her] In an earlier message we wrote about the Ig Nobel prizes, and the five prizes awarded to linguistic research in the first 18 years of their existence. A mere 2,7 percent of winners have been chosen from the noble science of linguistics. Here are some more nominees. Readers are urged to… Læs mere Nominees and candidates for Ig Nobel prizes in linguistics
Ig Nobel prizes for linguists?
[Maskinoversættelse til dansk her] Since 1991, a strange ceremony takes place in Massachussetts, USA. Ten Ig Nobel prizes are given out by Nobel laureates, and organized by the journal Annals of Improbable Research. The prizes are awarded to scientists who studied research results that first make you laugh, and then make you think. Winners are… Læs mere Ig Nobel prizes for linguists?
[Maskinoversættelse til dansk her] Sometimes you get into a kiosk, killing the time when waiting for bus or train, and you see all these thousands of different journals and magazines on you cannot imagine what. People apparently want to read each month about running, or playing guitar, or making homepages, or winning minigolf or buying… Læs mere Språktidningen